Oil Spills: More Scientific Diversions and Smoke Screens
Canada has just enacted their own regulations that reinforce this U.S. agency position giving free reign to toxic Corexit Dispersants for use on their offshore oil spills.
Oil Spill Remediation Technology Gets a Boost in the US
Science in the U.S. is finally starting to catch up with natural enzyme oil spill bio-remediation technology successfully used in over 30 other countries!
2016 Oil Spill Response Systems–A New Perspective The currently expressed goal for oil spill response plans and their action is to “prevent the release of oil into navigable waters and adjoining shorelines, and to contain discharges of oil.” But consider this: What if the goals were different, what if the objective/standard was: “rapid toxicity elimination,…
Nature’s Rights & Human Rights—Co-Eco Education Snippet #2
Our tagline: Because None Survive Alone is the essence of Cooperative Ecology and our mission. The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization will be setting our goals for 2016 and sharing these with all of you. As part of your bringing in of the New Year, we ask that you consider this: The moment life forms, including…
A Wondrous Elephant Celebration!
The elephant herd befriended by Lawrence Anthony periodically visit Thula Thula to demontrate their affection.
Time To Get Serious About Water!
Water–A Fundamental Human Right! This is Part I of a series of articles and blogs we will be sharing with you about WATER; protecting it and making it available to all life, and, eliminating the fear of its scarcity forever. There is growing excitement at the U.S. Headquarters of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization about our expanding water protection and preservation…
Baby Elephant Rescue—Elephant Whisperer Legend Lives On
Here is a thrilling and heartwarming story just published in the New Zealand Herald by Jamie Joseph-a loyal friend of the Elephant Whisperer and founder of Saving the Wild. Her report covers a chilling account of a baby elephant rescue at our Thula Thula game preserve. Lawrence Anthony’s elephant family urgently reached out to his trusted game rangers for help to free their dying…
500,000 Abandoned Toxic Mines in the U.S.—A Threat to Our Waters
There are 500,000 abandoned mines that could potentially seep toxic chemicals into our rivers, lakes and oceans.
The Thula Thula Baby Rhino Orphanage
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/EarthTouch/videos/995499847169082/” width=”700″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″] Above you can see one of our first new arrivals playing with his food bowl. This baby lost his mom to poachers and is just beginning to recover from the traumatic experience. The goal with all orphans is to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Return to the Wild. The care of these Rhino’s…
Destructive “Science:” No Regard for Ocean Life?
There simply was no tried and true method for fixing accidents like this as there was no prior experience with deep sea drilling on this level.