Water and Toxic Chemicals Don’t Mix!


Here is yet, another wishy-washy report (since the 2010 BP Oil Spill disaster) that softly confirms Chemical Dispersant use on oil spills perpetrates health risks and problems. It is disappointing how this report has been written to water down the alarming data that exposures to chemical dispersants applied to oil spills dramatically increases the human health risks. And, even more despicable is that investigators are promoting that “more studies” are needed so that science can understand “how to get the most benefit out of chemical dispersants…

To quote the primary investigator: “Future research should address ‘how we can get the most benefit out of dispersants while at the same time minimizing the risk’, Goldstein says. He adds that some attention should be given to the toxicity of mixtures of dispersant and weathered oil. The chemicals and physical properties of oil change as it interacts with sunlight, wind, and microbes in the environment—a process called weathering. “We know very little about the toxicity of these mixtures,” he says.”

The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization and scientists across the country make it very clear that we do not have to use high risk chemical dispersants to “clean up” oil spills. So WHY spend more tax payer dollars making it okay to apply toxic chemicals to a spill???

A nature-friendly Enzymatic Bioremediation Formula can be applied to clean up oil spills anywhere with ZERO health trade offs for workers, people and wildlife living in the vicinity. Major oil companies, military and officials in other countries have adopted this technology, yet the U.S. remains determined to endorse ineffective spill response methods and pour toxic chemicals in our oceans and fresh waters. See our studies and documentation at: http://theearthorganization.org/oil-chemical-spill-solutions/

Evaluate the information for yourself.  It is still gonna take a huge effort to turn this sinking ship around!!  Put your shoulder to the wheel—join our membership today!

Article is here: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/ehp2592/