Bringing Science and Nature Into Alignment

It is imperative.

TEO’s Science and Technology Advisory Committee is a growing team of professionals targeting core environmental concerns with unique data evaluation approaches. Finding the underlying basic reasons for a given environmental or conservation situation is a critical first step in any project we take on.

So much time and effort can be for not and dollars wasted working on the wrong targets. The skill and art of organization and project management can be a make or break to success. This is one ingredient that makes the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization effective and rewarding to work with.

By global statistics and direct observation, the continuing of current operating patterns is not resulting in halting the steep decline of the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. Simply put, don’t keep doing what isn’t working!

Helping and guiding the production of actionable science is one of our key purposes. By way of example and reversely, the endless focus on identifying or correcting what is wrong ends up in a cycle of decline. We rather focus on what is right – i.e. what, if enhanced, would bring about greater and faster improvement; render assistance to what is working, what is usable and what aligns with natural laws. We ask, “Can this information be employed in alignment without trade offs? Have we asked the right questions? Have we gotten down to the real sources behind a given situation? Actionable science based on factual data is critical to all life surviving.

We are about finding and implementing workable solutions.

A major focus of TEO’s US headquarters is the protection and preservation of Earth’s oceans and fresh water resources. These programs have three focal points currently:

  • Locating and implementing technologies for removing chemical pollutants from our fresh water and ocean aquatic environments.
  • Improving policy and planning that governs our hazardous chemical and oil spill response systems.
  • Addressing water scarcities through the implementation of Primary Water Science (aka-Earth Generated Water, or Juvenile Water) making clean water abundant and available for all life.

The consequences of the dwindling availability of clean water and ocean environments on the planet, represents one of the most critical social, economic and environmental challenges of our time.

Message from our Science and Tech Advisory Committee…

We believe that the physical and life science fields must embrace Cooperative Ecology as an essential ingredient to evolving survival-based science and technology. Cooperative Ecology is a field that directs better integration of human activities with all life.  Simply put—None Survive Alone.  The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization develops and implements Co-operative Ecology thinking as related to a variety of different sectors as an essential field of practical knowledge. It is a fundamental that can unify industry professionals, government and policy makers, science and academia, communities and individuals to effect constructive decision-making and workable solutions. It shows a way for environmental stewardship, engineering and design that embraces the common denominator needs of all life.

Cooperative Ecology is alertness, sensitivity, an empathic and respectful understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence between planetary ecosystems, humanity and all life forms. Teaching this must start with our children, in our schools and continue to advance and develop into our higher education systems. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathmatics) subjects and the Humanities must be integrated with Cooperative Ecology thinking. Without that, we get atomic weapons and other mass destruction technologies.

We hope that many others who are like-minded will join us and support this educational endeavor and necessity. No one has expressed this imperative better than Lawrence Anthony himself in his book Babylon’s Ark—this excerpt conveys the critical facts:

“…Earth’s life-giving environment is under direct threat. The very air we breathe is being altered by billions upon billions of tons of poisonous gasses that are pumped into the atmosphere each year. …

It took billions of years for nature to develop dynamic, viable relationships between Earth and its countless life forms. Now, in just over a hundred years, these natural balances are threatening to fall irrevocably out of kilter. …

We are witnessing firsthand a massive disruption of Earth’s life systems, and all fingers point to one culprit: man. …

In our ruthless quest for technology, material wealth, and scientific progress, the humanities have been sorely neglected. And, as most of us are almost completely ignorant of the character and function of other forms of life, we abuse the natural world and diminish once-robust survival systems without any real understanding of the consequences – especially for our own continued existence. …

Why do we so willingly inflict harm on the only home we have? Most people intrinsically have empathy with nature.   Everybody I speak to is against cruelty to animals; everybody wants fresh air, open spaces, unpolluted rivers, and a healthy livable planet. So why do we so dreadfully abuse our sole life-support system?…

…as a species—we have to live in dynamic collaboration with the plant and animal kingdoms in a healthy, life-sustaining environment.

There is no greater imperative.

Our inability to think beyond ourselves or to be able to cohabit with other life forms in what is patently a massive collaborative quest for survival is surely a malady that pervades the human soul.

Ensuring that our home planet is healthy and life-sustaining is an overwhelming priority that undercuts all other human activities.” Lawrence Anthony

Tech Committee Documents and Publications