Corporate Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors can make a very valuable difference in forwarding the progress of our charitable work. If you’d like more information about the many benefits to your company of becoming a Corporate Sponsor, contact us at Show your dedication to helping create a cleaner, safer, and flourishing environment for the health of all life by supporting a truly effective organization that is implementing rational, down-to-earth solutions. Here are some of our sponsors!

In Your Face Skincare

Skin Care you can eat...

but you know....don't.

It was our mission to get back to basics and provide all natural products that contained only the finest natural ingredients and botanical oils, was not tested on animals, and was not in any way toxic to humans or the earth. After years of testing, IN YOUR FACE SKINCARE was born.


Dave Supple

David Supple is the CEO of New England Design & Construction (NEDC), an award-winning, full-service creative Architectural Design Build firm showcasing the beauty of sustainable design in Boston.  Lifting Spirits with Spaces is NEDC’s motto.  David is an architecture alumnus of Tufts University, former standout football & lacrosse player, father of two, and passionate advocate of the true role of the Architect throughout history as Master Builder, writing extensively on this topic.  Inspired by hearing Lawrence Anthony speak in 2005, the same year NEDC was founded, David focuses the firm  heavily towards eco-friendly and creative sustainable design.  David is working to forward TEO’s Cooperative Ecology™ concept, aiming to increase awareness in the construction industry of the vital partnership for survival we all have with the natural world.  With the profound impact the built environment has on the natural environment, David’s work to bring about a more in-depth understanding of the CoEco concept that "none survive alone" is of vital importance.

Tim Ward Art Studio

Tim Ward’s extensive portfolio includes specialization in logo design, graphic design, and commercial art, and a wide range of creative works from beautiful oil on canvas paintings and dreamlike graphite drawings to regularly published illustration and acclaimed logo branding.  Tim’s involvement in action sports culture has brought him international distinction.  His passion for the beauty and dynamism of water sports and the cleanliness of the ocean has compelled him to be a strong supporter of The Earth Organization (TEO), particularly our Clean Water and Cooperative Ecology Campaigns.

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Tim Ward sticker designed for LAEO



From Earth To Earth believe it’s important to raise awareness of pollution issues and encourage people to help minimize our collective impact on the Earth. They help do this by crafting every-day products using natural and sustainable resources; resources that come as direct from the earth as possible which can then – after its usefulness has passed – return to the earth as part of the natural and ecological order of things. By transforming everyday essentials into vibrant, little, eco-friendly moments of joy for people and the planet, they help make it easy for you to look good, feel good and do good anywhere in the world

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Based in Slovenia, the Flaska company has a fascinating history behind its founding by Maks Vrecko.  After achieving spectacular results with large fields of strawberry crops utilizing “restructured water” (a method intended to bring water stored in pipes and other containers back to its more natural, spring water state), he devised a method to create glass water bottles that contain vibrational frequencies projected to make water that is put into the bottle more like healthy spring water to enhance human and animal health.  Maks was introduced to our organization in 2020 and immediately decided to become a Corporate Sponsor to help forward our work in truly meaningful ways.

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TEO is honored to have had support from Disney for educational and wildlife conservation projects for our chapter in France.


We appreciate Google for having awarded TEO with an on-going marketing and advertising grant.


Portion of a mural by Virginia Fair Studios

Virginia Fair Studios

Virginia Fair and her associate Jay Richards are award-winning professional artists, each with long careers in a wide variety of artistic endeavors. Both are passionate about the health of the natural world for the benefit of all life and are proud to be a Corporate Sponsor of TEO.