Humankind is polluting and depleting its limited supply of fresh water from surface and shallow aquifers through mismanagement, over-extraction and poorly planned rechanneling of surface waters. Inadequate planning and management of this critically important resource, nor considering the impact to surrounding ecosystems that have thrived for tens of millions of years, is resulting in the imbalance of planetary life support systems and is contributing to increasingly severe drought conditions in many regions.
The inability to access adequate supplies of clean, healthy water in many areas of the world is becoming very challenging, at best, and, at worst, a life-threatening situation for both people and wildlife; and, in many parts of the world, poses a threat to economic growth and future survival.
Ineffective techniques for siting where to drill are costing companies and communities dearly. In South Africa, for instance, a large city, desperate for water, invested millions of dollars to expand their water supplies only to end up drilling hundreds of expensive and bone-dry boreholes; a story not uncommon all over the world.
The Good News
In 2017, the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO) was gifted an intellectual property we call Deep Seated Water Technology® (DSW Tech®). This is a unique and highly advanced scientific method for mapping and pinpointing exactly where to drill to find high-quality sources of water. When engaging in exploration for Deep Seated Water, cracks and fissures in rocks serving as conduits for water over great distances are targeted that tend to be below the typical shallow aquifer water that most water wells tap into. In ideal conditions, these waters are not subject to drought conditions nor pollution and can be available in abundance; and we often find it in locations where others say, “No water exists.”
Our science team, composed of hydrogeologists, GIS analysts and environmental scientists, has assimilated and advanced this technology beyond its previous state and it is now a key part of our Clean Water Campaign. Over 1,500 wells have been successfully and economically sited by combined members of our team in Australia, Africa, Asia and the United States.
We are currently developing new projects in eastern Africa, the Middle East, and the U.S. to help bring water security to communities, farmers and individual landowners in great need of additional water resources.
For more information, call us at 818 330-9528, or contact us by email:

The locating and extraction of deep-seated water is a technical process that spans several different fields of science and engineering technology. The basic steps are:
1. The acquisition of remotely-sensed, geospatial data acquired via satellites and airborne geophysical surveys. This includes satellite imagery, magnetic, gravity, gamma-ray (radiometric), and digital elevation datasets. Available data varies by region, but higher resolution data results in significantly better target detection.
2. Utilizing an advanced, proprietary method, we then conduct a full analysis of the acquired data from #1 to identify precise “areas of interest” that have the highest likelihood in a region for locating highly productive deep-seated water.
3. On-site, on-the-ground observation and inspection by an LAEO team – A field survey is conducted to verify and validate the findings of the remote analysis, allowing for the accurate identification of exact locations for bore sites (within 1 meter). The combination of remote analysis and on-ground survey information greatly improves the chances of obtaining water.
4. Drilling the well. In many cases this requires drilling rigs with a capacity to drill through hard rock. Although many bore holes may be shallower, the drill rig should have a capacity to at least 400 meters.
LAEO stands ready and able to drought-proof your region. We are here to serve humanity and all interdependent life systems on Earth including commerce and industry. We are proud to serve with and recognize many pioneers and innovators in water exploration who deserve special thanks for their work.