Pipeline Spill — 210,000 Gallons — Nov 16 2017

Pipeline Companies Pay Attention!  

Nov 18, 2017-Pipeline Spill Area

Time to Implement 

A Win Win Solution – A Change in Contingency Plans and Response – Easily Implemented  

It isn’t about the spills and STOPPING pipelines. It is about how spills are detected and addressed–how pipeline companies handle their spills.  See Washington Post article**–spills appear to be very profitable for clean up companies: 

Thousands of oil spills large and small are abandoned every year without being completely removed–An ALMOST Clean Up isn’t good enough when you can do better. Response and Restoration standards have been inadequate for decades when better solutions do exist. THAT is the real issue.

We recommend:

A Call for a Twenty-First Century Solution in Oil Spill Response

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Cooperative Ecology, Fixing Oil Spill Response Systems

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World Pipelines Magazine-Spill Solutions

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Co-Eco References:

Wash Post Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/energy-environment/top-20-onshore-us-petroleum-spills-since-2010/2017/11/17/f2ba1bc0-cbe9-11e7-b506-8a10ed11ecf5_story.html?utm_term=.325fd8f14cb0